4 Oct 17

Car sharing is now fiscally advantageous in Italy

The Italian income tax office has ruled that car sharing has the same fiscal status as taxi rides, meaning that costs made in a professional context can now be deducted in the same way. According to Italian car magazine Al Volante, it was Car2go that published a resolution by the Agenzia delle Entrate stating that car sharing should be seen as an evolution of traditional urban means of transport.

This means that employers can also deduct reimbursements made to their employees, as long as the ride is documented and takes place in the city where the company is located. Interestingly, car sharing now offers more fiscal advantages than trips being done with an employee’s private car. In the latter case, only trips outside the city can be reimbursed and deducted.   

Picture copyright: Car2go, 2017

Authored by: Dieter Quartier